Post 1 Officers 1st Vice Commander Chris Sam and Finance Officer and Post Historian Robert Finnerty attended the Minnesota
Legion College from April 25-28 at Camp Ripley, Mn. There they learned the basics of Legion officers' Roles and Responsibilities,
the roles of a post's Constitution and By-Laws in how the post conducts business, the basics of Robert's Rules of Order,
and participated in workgroups with other Legion College students that wrote and voted on resolutions that address real-world
issues affecting veterans and their families today. "It's a residential course so it's a bit of a commitment, but I highly
recommend any Legion member or officer to attend if they get the chance. If you do get a chance to attend, be prepared to
learn and participate as there is lots of useful information presented" Sam said. The students were presented with diplomas
in a graduation ceremony with the keynote message given by Minnesota Department Commander Paul Hassing.
Post 1 Officers Visit Patients at Minneapolis VA Health Care System Medical Center
Post 1 Commander Milt Schoen and 1st Vice Commander Chris Sam visited patients at the Minneapolis VA Health Care System Medical
Center on the afternoon of May 5. There they handed out playing cards, backscratchers and other useful items to patients and
their families.
"Hospital Visitation is amazing. Bringing smiles to veterans who are a long away from home.
You are the only visitors most of these vets see.
You should see the smiles of veterans who are not forgotten."
-Commander Milt Schoen